Exceptional Value

Invest in the next generation of employees who will have the skills and abilities to solve global issues in engineering and business industries. We strive to represent Global Formula Racing and our sponsors the best way possible as we compete around the world. Our goal is to win competitions in the United States, Austria, and Germany.

How your company will benefit

As a sponsor of GFR, you’re able to keep in touch directly with our students and universities. Your support gives young and motivated engineers the chance to gain additional practical experience by participating in our project. Your company logo will appear on our cars and our website depending on your level of commitment. Our international collaboration gives you the opportunity to be seen as a partner of GFR in various local, national and international media outlets, exhibitions and events. All donations are tax deductible.

How to support us

To achieve our goals and implement improvements we need sponsors who support us with know-how, production capacity and financial resources.


For any questions or further information please email contact@global-formula-racing.com or use our contact form!

Make a Donation!

The German Website provides information on how to support the team if your European-based!

As of Fall term 2022, all monetary donations need to go through the OSU Foundation page.

  • Navigate to Oregon State University’s donation page
  • On the front page, select the amount you would like to give.
    Under “I want to give to”, select “Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Fund”. Click ‘Next’.

    Note: Do NOT select the option for “Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Endowment Fund”
  • Fill in the next page with your name and contact information and click ‘Next’.
  • If you are donating as an individual, there is an additional page inquiring if your employer has a matching program.
  • Mention that the donation is for Global Formula Racing in the “Comments or Special Instructions” box.
  • The following two pages allow you to optionally select an Honoree of the donation and a reason for the donation.
  • Fill in your payment information and submit the donation.